- Glitter Graphics

change log

18/april/2024 just added a visitor count asset i found to the homepage for fun, its from unrelated though it seems my title has a centered itself while i wasnt looking, nothing in the code changed as far as i can tell i guess it just felt like moving

10/april/2024 did some random stuff including redoing some of the homepage in preparation for making a proper about me page. kinda feel like i just broke it and made it worse code wise but whatever.
also currently working on an area for Living Deadline (comic) but it takes a lotta writing so it probably wont be attached to this for a while

27/march/2024 drew the other top buttonsā˜† i think they look pretty cool, added the links page and am working on a silly little place in there talking abt all my friends, along with the projects page which doesnt lead anywhere yet

22/march/2024 .hiiii okay i did a bunch of remodeling today to make this formatted all cool by nuking all the code and starting from sratch :3 this whole thing is probably spaghetti coded to hell but thats okay. this change log is the first page on the site beyond the homepage yay
im plannng to make drawings for the rest of the top buttons up there ^ (currently only the home button isnt a placeholder image) and make the pages they're supposed to lead to